Grateful thanks to :-
Ian Parr for his superb early mono master recordings, and for inspiring the project

Ted Bottle for the lovely pictures of the Playhouse,for others please visit http://www.arthurlloyd.co.uk/
Stephen Garner for his extensive NDO knowledge, enthusiasm, and encouragement
Alan Shaw for his help with suggesting suitable small loudspeakers www.harbeth.co.uk
Rod Cotter for his excellent thesis on the NDO, and invaluable ongoing help
P Gould for valuable advice
Anthony Herrmann for his help in sourcing material
The late Bernard Herrmann for his support and input into the choice of numbers for some of the CD’s
Phil Booth, Chris Bates, Ken Wu, Richard Bourne, and ex-colleagues at BBC NPC Manchester
Tony Worthington for his exceptional audio contribution
David Fleming - Williams for his superb recordings, pictures, and continuing support
John Roadhouse jr, Helen and Jane Roadhouse for their help
Sue Craig for Mike’s programme about Ernie Watson, and his wonderful solos
Bill Bebb for his information
BBC licensing and the Musicians union
The late Conrad Jones for his historic recordings used in the CD’s
Peter Pilbeam for his pictures, continuing help, and invaluable insights
Trevor Hill and Jack Hollinshead for their generosity and insights into the early days of the NVO
Pat and Derek Nash for their rare recordings, and help in identifying the arrangers
Phil Driscoll for his memories and technical details
Neil Gilchrist for his excellent musical contribution
John Chatfield for his historic recordings
David Coe for his superb early stereo recordings
Ron Southern for his pictures of the Neve Desk and support
Dick Wilson for his photo of an NDO session
Tony Nuttall for his pictures of the old mixing desk
Richard Clegg for his wonderful recordings from the mid 60’s
All former colleagues and relatives of band members
John Hewitt for his set of excellent recordings from the 60’s
Chris Livingstone for her wonderful late NDO recordings
Bev Mastin and Dave Browning for his help in identifying the titles of tracks
Jeanie Fitzgerald for her insight into the NRO and Brian’s part in its success

The “NDO / NRO project” is dedicated to preserving whatever remains of the NDO,  NVO and NRO , after some 60 years have passed - be it recordings,videos, photos, or just memories - so that future generations can enjoy the sounds and sights of these wonderful bands, as we have been privileged to do.
It is with great sadness that we learnt of the deaths of Alan Fox and John Drake
Alan was not just a fine musician and colleague, but an excellent sound balancer both on radio and TV.  I know that he mixed the NDO on many occasions for Radio, and when he moved to Television, worked with the band on the memorable “21st  birthday special” programme with Tony Christie and Brian Fitzgerald as soloists.
if you have any material you would like to contribute to this website please email us at:-   ndoinfo(at) tiscali.co.uk       (at) = @
It’s very difficult with 40 + year old photos to find out who took them.
So if any of the photo’s are yours, please advise and I will credit you, or remove them from the site if you so wish.

John was a sound balancer “par excellence”, who probably did more to promote the importance of sound on TV in Manchester than anyone, and make sure that it never became second best to the pictures,.
He too mixed the NDO on occasions for TV, usually being given the most demanding programmes, and always producing an exceptional result. I will remember him particularly for the lovely sounds he always produced from the City Varieties,Leeds, in difficult circumstances, from members of the NDO,and the wide variety of soloists.
It is with great sadness that we also learnt recently of the death of James ( Jim ) Casey
Jim was not just a talented senior producer in Manchester, but also followed his father Jimmy James in his love for the stage, and his amusing and wonderfully timed comic routines.
Always a gentleman to work with, and someone who with his pedigree in entertainment could always make an average script into an excellent programme.
The comedy shows were performed on the same stage at the Playhouse as the NDO used for their recordings ( See pictures of the Playhouse on page 6 )
Jim produced the 21st anniversary vinyl LP, and David Fleming-Williams mixed it superbly. The only LP the NDO ever made - it was recorded at the famous Strawberry studios, Stockport.

I was very saddened to learn of the death of Tom Steer in March 2013 - a truly wonderful pianist.
His solo work, and his duets with Brian Fitzgerald were always a delight to hear - one of which will be included in each of the double albums

It was a great shock to hear of the death of Geoffrey Wheeler on the 30th of December 2013.

In his later years he found fame on TV with ‘Songs of Praise’ - what many may not know is that he started his career in Radio in Manchester when he was a teenager, being involved with many Drama productions both in Manchester and Leeds, before becoming a Radio Producer.
He produced many programmes by the NDO, and will be fondly remembered by his friends  as  being a true professional, and his kindness and caring for all his colleagues in Broadcasting.
Notes and Obituaries
We lost Ian Parr, my talented audio colleague, in June - he was the inspiration for me starting the NDO Project, with his superb recordings  from the 60’s.    
 We will all miss him greatly, but  fondly remember him by his recordings on all of the double albums, and his excellent classic single CD  ‘A legend Reborn’
In October 2015 we lost Bernard Herrmann, whose musicianship and skill as a Conductor made the NDO famous worldwide - he took over the baton from Alyn Ainsworth - an impossible act to follow, but succeeded in taking the NDO to even greater musical heights over his 11 year tenure. He also conducted the smaller orchestra for the Good old days for many years.
‘Bernard Herrman and the NDO’ lives on through his exceptional music.